Misbaha (مسبحة) or subḥah(سبحة) in arabic. Tasbih (تسبيح) in persian & Urdu, tespih (Albanian, Turkish and Bosnian), rosary in English
Counter of Zikr or wazifa or dhikr. Auto count each wazifa , dhikr, tasbih.
ولذكر ٱلله أڪبر
"The remembrance of Allah (swt) is the greatest (deed)"
Quran (Surah 29 Ankaboot: Verse 45)
You can complete Tasbih of Fatima using it or any other wazifa you have.
Key features :
-- Below 8 Tasbih so far included with meaning & transliteration and each tasbih count autosave
-- You can find nearest mosque from your current location.
-- You find special days of islam like Ramadan, Hajj etc.
Kalimah Tayyibah :
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (lā ilāha illā llāhu muḥammadur rasūlu llāh )
The Tasbeeh of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (r) :
سبحان الله (Subhan'Allah)
الحمد لله (Alhamdulillah)
الله أَكْبَر (Allahuakbar)
Durood ( الصلاة على النبي ) :
اللهم صلي علاء محمد ( Allaahumma Solli Alaa MuHammad)
Ḥawqala (الحوقلة)
لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله(La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah )
Rizq (رزق) of all creature :
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم (Subhaan-Allahi wa bihamdihi
Istighfar (استغفار ):
أستغفر الله ( Astagfirullah )
Don't make delay,make your time valuable by Zikr of Allah Subhana-o-taila.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Misbaha (مسبحة) o subḥah (سبحة) in arabo. Tasbih (تسبيح) in persiano e l'urdu, tespih (albanese, turco e bosniaco), rosario in inglese
Contatore di Zikr o wazifa o dhikr. Conteggio automatico ogni wazifa, dhikr, tasbih.
ولذكر ٱلله أڪبر
"Il ricordo di Allah (swt) è il più grande (rogito)"
Corano (Sura 29 Ankaboot: Verse 45)
È possibile completare Tasbih di Fatima utilizzo o qualsiasi altro wazifa avete.
Caratteristiche principali:
- Sotto 8 Tasbih finora fornito con significato e traslitterazione e ogni tasbih conteggio di salvataggio automatico
- È possibile trovare moschea più vicina dalla propria posizione corrente.
- Troverete giorni speciali di islam come Ramadan, Hajj, ecc
Kalimah Tayyibah:
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (la ilaha illa llāhu muḥammadur rasūlu llah)
La Tasbeeh di Hazrat Fatima Zahra (r):
سبحان الله (Subhan'Allah)
الحمد لله (Alhamdulillah)
الله أكبر (Allahuakbar)
Durood (الصلاة على النبي):
اللهم صلي علاء محمد (Allaahumma Solli Alaa Muhammad)
Ḥawqala (الحوقلة)
لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله (La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah)
Rizq (رزق) di tutte le creature:
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم (Subhaan-Allahi wa bihamdihi
Istighfar (استغفار):
أستغفر الله (Astagfirullah)
Non fare ritardo, rendere il vostro tempo prezioso Zekr di Allah Subhana-o-taila.</div> <div class="show-more-end">